Christmas Cardinal: Seeing a red cardinal during the Christmas season is supposed to bring good fortune in the year to come, but is it a male cardinal or a female cardinal?
If you know the correct answer, Call, e-mail, post a comment on our website, enter in person or via Facebook starting at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday through 5:00 p.m. on Monday, each week for your chance to win.
Last week’s question: passing the torch: What’s a Christmas or holiday tradition you hope to keep going? ANSWER: Stocking stuffers, caroling, keeping Christ in Christmas, less emphasis on gifts, and family trips to see all the Christmas lights! Wanda Srebinski was the winner of a 4-pack of FREE movie passes to the Firebird Theater in Sandusky. All correct responses will be entered into a random weekly drawing for 4-pack of Free Movie Tickets to the Firebird Theater in Sandusky. If you are not a subscriber, please provide your mailing address when you make contact.

The male cardinal is red.