Parting Shot 5-31-23 Edition

Some Gave All: The United States began observing Memorial Day on the last Monday in May in 1970, but the holiday was originally named something else and held on May 30th every year starting in 1868. What was the original name? If you know the correct answer, Call, e-mail, post a comment on our website, enter in person or via Facebook starting at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday through 5:00 p.m. on Monday, each week for your chance to win. Last week’s question: Too hot to handle: the united states has nine states that have at least one panhandle, can you name two? ANSWER: Alaska, Florida, Nebraska, Idaho, Maryland, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Texas and Connecticut. Mark Roberts was the winner of a 4-pack of FREE movie passes to the Firebird Theater in Sandusky. All correct responses will be entered into a random weekly drawing for 4-pack of Free Movie Tickets to the Firebird Theater in Sandusky. If you are not a subscriber, please provide your mailing address when you make contact.