Tribune Recorder Leader

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S.A.V.E Council Harvest Hop at Diamond Trail

The S.A.V.E .Council held their 3rd Annual Children’s Harvest Hop this past Friday at Diamond Trail. There were a record 35 agencies that lined the walking path to had out goodies to the kids and talk to the parents. There were 300 bags and goodies handed out at the event.

This cute little unicorn is waiting in line at the Harvest Hop to pick up her goodie bag.

The Sanilac Area Violence Elimination Council is a group of citizens that focus on addressing the issues of Violence and Homelessness in Sanilac County. S.A.V.E. if spelled backwards is Eva’s, which identifies Sanilac County’s only emergency residential shelter program Eva’s Place that was established and is operated by the S.A.V.E. Council.

Sisters, Emily and Amy taking in the festivities at the Harvest Hop.

Their mission is to end violence in the lives of men, women and children in Sanilac County. Keeping them safe, secure, and letting them know they have somewhere to go.

These little ones have their bags and are on their way to get their goodies on the walk around Diamond Trail.

SAVE is committed to ensuring that the voices and perspectives of survivors of domestic violence are heard and included in its work. SAVE welcomes and shall encourage and promote the direct participation of domestic violence survivors in the organization.

Cheryl Hieber, Marketing Director at Deckerville Hospital along with Kellie Phelps, from CMH at the Harvest Hop.

Furthermore, SAVE recognizes the sensitive and personal nature of domestic violence and respects the decision of individual domestic violence survivors regarding disclosure.

Cyndy Rossman, Board member of SAVE Council and Sherri Lanctot, Executive Director of S.A.V.E. Council and Eva’s Place.

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