Sanilac CMH Hosts State Traveling Art Show
Sanilac County Community Mental Health will be hosting the CMHAM Traveling Art Show at their administrative offices during the month of August, specifically August 1st – the 29th, 2023. Everyone is welcome to come to the Administrative building lobby to view the artwork on display.
The Community Mental Health Association of Michigan (CMHAM) selected artwork from all the CMHs in the State of Michigan and put together this Traveling Art Show, which includes a piece from one of our Sanilac County artists.

The purpose of the Show is to promote the recovery potential of art and eliminate the stigma of mental illness and developmental disabilities. The visit to Sanilac County begins the wrap up of the 2-year tour around the state. The artwork will then be sold at an auction during the Association’s Fall Conference in Traverse City in October.

The Sanilac CMH Administrative Offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m