Sanilac County Genealogical Society 2018 Meeting Schedule
Sanilac County Genealogical Society meets March – November on the third Tuesday of the month. SCGS meets around Sanilac County at different venues each month during our season promoting genealogy research throughout the area. Our meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. A brief business meeting is held at each venue, and some meetings we host special guest speakers or demonstrations.
If you are interested in getting started or are already researching your family and have come to a ‘brick wall’ we invite you to attend one of our meetings, meet some seasoned genealogists that can help you get moving again.
This is a schedule of 2018 upcoming guest speakers and meeting venues:
June 19, 6:30 p.m. – D’Ville Diner, Downtown Deckerville, Deckerville, Michigan. If attending this meeting, you are invited to come early, order dinner on your own, and stay for our business meeting, after which we will welcome guest speaker, Joyce Reid, noted Native American Authority. Joyce will speak about Native Americans in our area and promote a new book she co-authored with area author Cheryl Morgan titled, “Ottissippi, The Truth About Great Lakes Indians.” Books will be available for sale after the presentation. If anyone is attempting research on Native American ancestors, this would be an excellent opportunity to speak with someone who has a wealth of knowledge in this region.
July is annual member potluck picnic. Location and time to be announced later.
August 21, 6:30 p.m. – Carsonville Hotel, Carsonville, Michigan. You are invited to come early, dining room opens at 5 pm, order dinner on your own prior to meeting. Our speakers will be Bill and Linda Vivian, both certified genealogists who have written several books, served on several genealogical societies, and teach genealogical research. Linda will speak about “The Real Truth: Exposing Myths & Misconceptions in Genealogy.”
September 18, 6:30 p.m. TBA
October 16, 2:00 p.m. Aitken Memorial Library, Croswell, MI. Open Genealogy Workshop. This is an afternoon meeting. Because, Aitken Memorial Library is the only library in our area with free access to at their library, we are grateful for their hospitality to our group to explain to new genealogists how to use their resources, and access Ancestry from the library’s computers or your own lap top at the library. Another great opportunity for those who are curious how to get started, this is the time and place. Bring paper and pen or pencil to jot down notes. We welcome you to the exciting world of genealogy. You too, my find yourself in front of your computer at 2:00 a.m., meeting new relatives!
November 20, 2:00 p.m. Afternoon meeting, our last regular meeting of the season details TBA.
After our regular season ends, some of our members announce special work sessions during the winter. These work sessions are focused on helping new genealogists get started, moving on, sharing web sites, and other resources available. These work sessions often ‘connect’ other researchers with a shared family line. Come and share your stories, or hear some interesting finds from ‘the closet’.
Questions about SCGS can be directed to Karen Baranowski, 810-705-1680, email: