Christi Pavlovics Passes 300 Wins
Playing softball since she was five years old, Deckerville softball coach Christi Pavlovics, got her 300th win last season, after starting the 2022 season with a win record of 293. The team played Dryden, and she got both her 300th and 301st wins that night.
She was presented a plaque last Thursday between games, in recognition of her 300 wins.
Coach Pavlovics said, “ I played all through Little League and four years of high school, but I received a basketball scholarship to Siena Heights University. And I played there for four years. I continue to play softball, and I am currently on three different softball teams who play during the spring, summer, and fall seasons.”
Under her belt are three state championships, 5th at nationals, and several tournaments for the variety of teams she has played in slow pitch softball this far.
Pavlovics was coaching basketball at Deckerville, when the position for softball coach opened, and Athletic Director Nort Schramm asked her to apply for the position. She resigned as basketball coach when she got the position, and “focused on softball”.
She said, “I love the game of softball, so it seemed like a good fit for me to coach the game that I love. Coaching is not about the wins or the losses that I have had with the teams over the years. It is all about the memories that I make with the girls. Throughout my career, these teams got me through some of the worst times of my life (my year battling cancer) and some of the best times of my life (being cancer free for the past thirteen years). I just love what I do. And I look forward to continuing making memories with the girls for years to come.”
Deckerville Principal Josh Stern said that he coached against her when he was in Cass City.
He said, “She works hard to get the kids to love the game. It’s not a win at all costs, but to have fun at all costs”.
Monica Spranger, who coached alongside of Pavlovics said, “She is a great mentor to the younger staff at the school, as well as to the students. She has a great work ethic (27 years at DCS)”.
Christi Pavlovics is not only a coach at Deckerville, but teaches History, Civics, Econ, Psychology and World History & Geography.
Coach Pavlovics is also representing Deckerville as its “Friend of Youth” this year.