Eagles Fall to Yale
By: Jackie Salowitz
Tribune Recorder Leader
Last Monday, the Lady Eagles were at home, taking on Yale. The girls struggled against the Bulldogs, taking losses in both games, 2-21 and 4-15.
Libby Tank pitched game one, striking out 3, walking 10. Yale scored 6 in the first, 9 in the second and 6 in the fourth to seal the win. Deckerville scored their only 2 runs in the first inning.
Johanna Kubacki had 1 hit, 1 run; Aleyah Keinath scored the other run; Libby Tank had a hit; Alyssa Rudgers 2 hits; and Emma Salowitz a hit.
Johanna Kubacki pitched the first 3 innings for the Eagles, striking out 1, walking 2, Aleyah Keinath pitched the final inning, striking out 1.
Yale had a big second inning, scoring 7, adding 2 in the third and 6 more n the fourth. The Eagles had a run in both the first and second and 2 in the top of the fifth.
For the Lady Eagles, Shelby Flanagan 1 hit, 1 run; Aleyah Keinath 2 hits, 1 run, 1 rbi; Libby Tank 1 hit, 2 rbi’s; Alyssa Rudgers 1 hit, 1 run, 1 rbi and Emma Baynton 1 run.
The girls played Caro last Tuesday, taking losses in both games, 0-12 and 0-15..
The Caro Tigers scored 6 in the first inning of game one, 4 in the second and 2 in the fourth.
Libby Tank started game one, walking 3, Aleyah Keinath finished the game, striking out 4, walking 3.
The lone hit for the Eagles was from Aleyah Keinath.
In game two, Aleyah Keinath pitched 3 innings, striking out 2, walking 4. Alyssa Rudgers finished the game, walking 2.
Libby Tank had the only hit for the Eagles.
On Thursday, the girls were defeated at home against Kingston, 5-15 and 10-16.
Libby Tank pitched the first 3.1 innings, walking 4, Alyssa Rudgers finished the game.
Sophia Buzzo scored the 2 runs for Deckerville. Johanna Kubacki had 2 hits, 2 rbi’s; Shelby Flanagan, Aleyah Keinath a nd Alyssa Rudgers a hit apiece. The girls had runs in the second and fourth innings, with the Cardinals scoring 4 in the first, 3 in the second, 4 in the third and 6 in the fourth.
Johanna Kubacki pitched the second game, striking out 1, walking 8.
The Eagles had 2 runs in the first, 4 in the second, 1 in the fourth, 2 in the fifth and 1 in the sixth. The Cardinals had 2 in the first, 1 in the second, 3 in the third, and five in both the fourth and fifth.
Shelby Flanagan had 3 runs in the game on 2 hits; Johanna Kubacki 2 hits, 2 runs; Aleyah Keinath and Libby Tank 1 hit, 1 run, 1 rbi; Alyssa Rudgers 2 hits, 1 run, 5 rbi’s; Emma Salowitz 2 hits, 1 run, 1 rbi; Sophia Buzzo 2 hits, 1 rbi; Emma Baynton a hit; and Rebecca Boice a hit, run and rbi.